Monday, August 2, 2010

So I'm still looking for a job. However, I have two leads now. They both feel simultaneously like great opportunities and pipe dreams. Is this what it feels like to grow up? If so I don't like it, it feels hollow and lame. It also makes me want to take a nap

Instead, a good friend talked me into writing a blog. That feels like more fun. I like to tell stories, thus the name of this thing. In fact, whenever I go to said friend's house, I find myself rambling on about the weird and strange stuff I find in the internet and books and articles I read. I've decided to start with this link. I got distracted while writing this blog, plus I'm tired, and this link is way better than the albino (leucistic) raccoon that boing boing posted about. (Not that I have anything against that link, but this particular article is extremely informative.)
